
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tomb Cookies

I'm getting organized to make Tomb Cookies on the evening before Easter.  The recipe for these cookies is all over the Internet with slight variations in the accompanying scripts.

 I think I'm liking this one from All Homemade Cookies:  Easter Story Cookies.

These are a meringue sort of cookie prepared the night before Easter.  Each step and ingredient is symbolically linked to a Bible passage to be read during the baking process.  The final step is to place the cookies in a preheated oven, seal the door with tape (symbolizing the sealed tomb in which Jesus was placed), and turn off the oven .

The next morning, when the seal is broken, the kids will find finished cookies with an empty center--just as the women and disciples found an empty tomb on Easter morning.

I haven't made these before, but I'm very excited to do so this year.  I think it will build great anticipation for the kids and Christmas-morning-like excitement focused on the resurrection.

My only fear is that they'll be up at some hideous hour eager to check the oven.  Would it be theologically unsound to tell them Jesus did not rise until after 7:00 am?

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