
Monday, December 5, 2011

Nothing is Impossible with God

Today our advent reading included Luke 1:37 Nothing is impossible with God.  It was a perfect springboard to praying with my kids for the orphans in Sudan.

Over recent months, I have loved following the ministry of Make Way Partners.  Most missionaries and ministries whom I support and follow send infrequent, cheerful updates--churches built, lots of people saved, tidy prayer requests.  Kimberly Smith of Make Way Partners sends frequent, heart-wrenching, raw updates.  I appreciate her vulnerability and her passion--it draws me into prayer.

Today she sent an update that much needed (and very costly) food for the orphans are stuck at the border--not being allowed into the country.

I felt compelled to pray with my kids about this, but it's tough--it's tough to explain orphans and starvation and corrupt government officials to a 3 and 5 year old.  But we did.

  • After we read our Advent reading of Luke 1:26-38, we talked about how nothing is impossible with God.
  • I explained that an orphan has no mom or dad.
  • We grabbed the globe and I showed them were we live and where Sudan is.
  • I explained that there was a truck full of food waiting for them--food we had sent money to help buy.  Here they made a personal connection:  "A truck like Grandpa drives?"  Grandpa drives a truck for a restaurant supply company, so, yes, it was a great connection.  
  • I explained that some people were stopping the truck and wouldn't let it drive to the kids and we needed to pray, because it was a problem that only God could solve--because nothing is impossible with God.  
I was so blessed to hear my three year old pray for the orphans and pray for the truck ("like Grandpa's truck").   Check out Kimberly Smith's blog and pray with us with child like faith that the food may be safely delivered.