
Friday, July 1, 2011

Getting My Ducks in a Row for the Fourth of July

Holidays at the beginning of a month always sneak up on me.  They feel a month away even as the preceding month winds down.  Suddenly it's the first of the month and the holiday is on my door step.

I want to be intentional in making our holidays God-centered as well as fun and memorable for the kids, so here's what I'm scrambling to plan:

Prayer Breakfast:  We'll start the day with a special breakfast (menu to be determined) and a time of family prayer for our country.  That is pretty abstract for kids, so we are going to read 1 Timothy 2:1-4 together:

First, I want all of you to pray for everyone. Ask God to bless them. Give thanks for them.  Pray for kings. Pray for all who are in authority. Pray that we will live peaceful and quiet lives. And pray that we will be godly and holy.  That is good. It pleases God our Savior. He wants everyone to be saved. He wants them to come to know the truth.

Then we'll use this "Prayer for Our Leaders" coloring sheet to make it a bit more concrete (from

A Little History Lesson  I went to the library earlier this week and was disappointed not to find any picture books about Independence Day.  I've ordered The Story of America's Birthday by Patricia Pingry and I'm hoping it will arrive in time and provide the background I'm hoping to share with the kids.

Birthday Fun  Since my kids get and love the concept of birthdays, I'm thinking we'll do birthday decorations and a special birthday dessert.  I'm hoping to make coconut milk ice cream and top it with strawberries and blue berries.  I'm also planning to make American flags out of popsicle sticks.

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