
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Problem and The Promise: First Week of Advent

As I started thinking about advent activities for my kids this year, I initially planned to jump right into the nativity story.  However, as I read a bit about traditional advent celebrations, I noticed that the first candle in an advent wreath represents the prophets who predicted the coming of Jesus.

The more I thought about it, the more I realized that there is really not way to teach kids the significance of a savior being born unless they understand why it is they need saving.  Therefore, the focus of our first week of advent activities will be sin and prophecy.  (Doesn't that sound festive?)   I'm entitling it The Problem and The Promise Week, and working on how to convey the key ideas at an age-appropriate level through activities that we'll all enjoy together.

Here's what I'm planning:

Day 1:  Creation (laying the foundation that all was good until sin entered as a problem)
Day 2:  The fall of Adam and Eve (focus on the problem of sin and the promise of an offspring who would crush the serpents head)
Day 3:  The flood (focus on the problem of sin and the promise that God would never flood the earth again)
Day 4:  Abraham (focus on the promise that he would be the father of a great nation and that through him all nations would be blessed)
Day 5:  The prophecy of Isaiah (focus on the problem of Israel sinning and the promise of a coming savior)

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